Ginger.   Garlic.   Apple.   Onion.   Chilli.   Cumin.
Tasting Powder (MSG).   Cinnamon.   Walnut.   Sichuan Pepper.
Dried Turmeric (सुठो).   Satuwa (Herb).

purchase.  sale.  storage.  processing.  import.

20 years in agricutltural products trading

Bhuvaneshwor Traders is the largest trading company of Agricultural Products that include all available varieties of Ginger, Garlic, Apple and Onion. Also, we started dealing with Chilli, Cumin, Tasting Powder (MSG), Cinnamon, Walnut.

Besides, we deal in herbs like Satuwa, Sichuan Pepper and Sutho too.

All the international firms we are dealing are one of the largest in their respective countries. Thus, everything we buy/sell or import/export are the best quality products. And we assure, no one ever has to suffer from shortage as we are always able to fulfill requirement for any quantity.


Kuleshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: + 977 1 4271397 (O)
+ 977 1 5123197 (O)
Phone: + 977 1 4672314 (H)
+ 977 1 4036292 (H)
Mobile: + 977 9851091551
+ 977 9801191551
